Monday, 11 November 2019

Sunlight = growth?

My favourite season has always been winter, even if here we don't really get the traditional four European seasons. I like watching the rain run down the windows, I like holding a warm mug in my hands and snuggling under a blanket on the couch. I also really love getting rained on (it's never THAT cold here, I imagine it would be miserable in other places).

But despite my affection for all those seasons, it's spring and summer that always seem to carry me upwards. Certainly by mid-September my mood tends to dip, and my energy levels fade... then as the weather turns warmer and sunnier by early November, I seem to rally accordingly, even though I'm not really a fan of summer heat.

Maybe I'm a pod person and I just need photosynthesis to survive, haha.

I'm already working on my goals for 2020, and I've made a lot of progress health-wise over the last few weeks. I feel like the whole world is opening up to me, that I have the ability to learn whatever skill I need to, and face any challenges that come up.

But maybe it's not just the sunlight buoying me. Maybe it's also the slow, cumulative effect of increased mindfulness thanks to this planner project, and a year of healing from my demanding previous job. In fact it seems like a bad idea to just thank the sunlight, because that gives away the credit when really I've been working so, so hard to try and reach a point like this.

Really, there's no single action, or habit, or phenomena that is lifting me up right now. It's many, many small decisions, actions, and influences. Which really, is such a fantastic thing. It's so much easier to chip away gently and slowly at the rock surrounding your life, than make one single, big kick and break free. It means that being able to change yourself and grow is available to anyone willing to do something small that magnifies over time. Rather than the far more difficult challenge of achieving one single, enormous feat.

All that said, I'm grateful to the sunlight.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Between spring and summer

Despite the imagery in my planner, it's springtime here.
My cat is snuggling on my lap so I'll keep this short. She needs all the pats.

My freelancing business did well last month, even though I continue to always feel three steps behind in my head when it comes to achieving everything I want to achieve in a single month.

I've managed to spend time outside and with friends way more in the last week than I have in a while. The weather helps, but I think I'm also being more intentional with my choices, too.