Sunday, 17 March 2019

March: [Mii plaza theme plays on loop]

I feel like I'm starting to get a hold on how to structure my days as a freelancer. One big challenge has been attempting to work when I'm not home alone - it's really not easy at all to avoid disruptions when you live in a tiny apartment.

I've brought my wake-up time back to 7am, and I'm finding it helps a lot. Even though my favourite time to work is at night, it's not easy when your partner is going through a rough time and really needs your company in the evenings and the days when they're at home. Getting up earlier means I can walk them to the train in the morning, and then get to work right away - meaning it's much easier to stop working once they get home, without feeling stressed over wanting to get more done but no longer feeling I can work because my company is desired/needed. They work from home one day a week too, so I'm also front-loading a lot of my chores on that day so that if they need to talk it doesn't interrupt me during a particular attention-demanding point of my work.

I know 7am probably seems pretty late to a lot of you with office jobs, but yeah, my ideal work day is two separate sessions, with the second running about 9pm - 2am, so, 7am was a little rough previously. But now I'm trying to synch my sleep schedule with my partner's a little more, so that we can spend more time together.

So, if I was single and living alone I think I'd most likely be somewhat nocturnal, but overall it's probably for the best that I'm synching up with my partner this way, because the world is designed around people being awake during the day anyway, so while working at night was good for talking to friends in other time zones, it made some other things more difficult. And my best friend is 5 hours ahead of my timezone, so working late nights actually sucked for talking with them anyway.

TLDR I've started getting up earlier which goes against every fibre of my being but it's actually pretty good after all the end.

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