Saturday, 20 April 2019

Focusing on the process and not the future outcomes.... isn't easy

Whoops forgot to blog for last week's although I did still tweet, so, uh, here's the last two weeks of planner entries:

As fas as how things are, I've been freaking out over how fast time has gone, HOW IS IT NEARLY MAY. There's a few things I wanted to have achieved by now that I haven't, so I think I need to find some more ways to get the most out of my time... I very much feel like I've spent a lot of time still healing from my last job and the bad mental habits/frameworks I picked up there... but while healing is important if I don't achieve some of these more difficult tasks soon life might become tougher.

Finding a balance of what is reasonable to try achieving each day and also keeping my energy levels up is... a challenge. And my insomnia has been a real issue lately, though I FINALLY got a GP to renew the meds for my RLS so that should help a little.

Anyway. I know I need to focus on making the most of each day, and spend WAY LESS time worrying about the future, honestly if I switched all my worry hours to productive/rest hours I'd probably already be where I needed to be. It's just a hard mental thing to unlearn/mitigate/manage.

Still. I do think these daily/weekly/monthly/yearly plans I've been doing are helping. I'm much better off than if I was not doing this recording stuff. Every month, I've gotten better and better at working towards my goals. I just always set the bar higher each month/week/day than I can manage, so even though I improve, I always feel something is still lacking.

All I can do is keep reflecting and improving.

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