Sunday, 4 August 2019

Hello, and thanks for all the pathogens

Gotta love when people with the flu show up to a social event, and a couple days later you've mysteriously contracted the same illness. Especially great when that illness hangs on for 5+ days (I started to feel myself succumbing on Tuesday, full-blown by Wednesday, and it's still hanging on today (Monday)). Good times.

As such I didn't achieve a huge amount this week, was barely capable of holding up my DS let alone stringing together coherent ideas. That said, I made great progress in my Pokemon X replay. And even got a couple Yakuza 0 hours in when the painkillers were working (the TV is so often being used I don't often get chances to play my PS4).(Almost like I need... a Switch... [gazes soulfully out the window towards a hovering mirage of the new Fire Emblem game]).

Managed to put together my monthly projects plan for August all the same, so today I'm dragging myself through some tasks despite still being pretty flu-laden, and hopefully once I've shaken the flu off I'll have another productive month. July was actually my best month yet for completing important tasks, even though I spent the last week of it sick, so I'm hoping to continue the upwards spiral.

Only going to include the first tweet below, the second has my health diary in it but it was mostly yoghurt and crackers due to me being sick most of the week. Although I am proud of the fact that I did 2.5 hours of brisk walking over the weekend just to get some exercise even with flu-brain/body.

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