Monday, 25 February 2019

February: Small things

I missed last week, but I did still use my planner, so here's a tweet with both:

I think what worked for me a couple weeks ago no longer works, because I've been hit with more Brain Stuff. So I'm shifting my strategy from three "most important tasks" to three "doable tasks".

I talk about it more in the Twitter thread, but basically at the moment I think it's better for me to build up my resilience by getting a bunch of ticks on a page before I actually start on my "important" ones.

So stuff like... changing the kitty litter... eating enough vegetables for the day... getting all the laundry done. And all my more demanding tasks happen after those.

I think I have to be flexible and change my methods for getting stuff done to match a whole bunch of things - current life events, current hormonal balance, current brain noise, etc...

I'd love it if there was just One Right Way to do things I could follow forever but... Life Don't Be Like That.

Still, I'm learning, and getting a little better at matching my approach to my current situation each day, I think.

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