Saturday 1 June 2019

Detective Pikachu was fantastic

Hi it's me, getting this post in 11 hours before I'm officially a week late.

Because this is so late I don't really have a ton to comment on for that last week, other than Detective Pikachu being an amazing movie that made me giggle a ton and that I hit an awesome stash of high quality fabric designer clothing in an op shop (thrift store for the americans) so for the frankly crazy price of like $3 I have a brand new designer dress in soft, comfy fabric and THAT'S AWESOME.

Also finished writing the second route for a game I'm working on as an assistant writer so that was also cool. And handed in my resignation to a different job. A lot happened, really. Anyway. Let's see if I manage to post my next check-in slightly earlier than I managed this one, hahah.

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