But considering until this point the longest I've managed to track my health is a day, that's pretty good. Essentially, this accountability posting method made me five times more successful than I was any other month this year!
So, even though it's a pain to include extra pics in the weekly-check-ins (less space to show off the pretty planner in the thumbnails, o no) I think it's worth continuing to do this.
Like with my planner, I'm trying to be as open as possible, and only censoring stuff if it's particularly sensitive info, like a friend's address, or my dentist's name, etc. It DOES feel weird sharing this much with other people, but again, the knowledge that potentially someone could click on the entry and read it does make me feel more motivated to stick to my plans and update properly.
On the weekend/Friday I really think my biggest stumbling block was just lack of sleep. We've had a ton of late nights recently, and whenever I stay up really late (say past 1am) even if I sleep in for the appropriate number of hours, I think I don't function as effectively during the day, afterwards.
I also tend to crave sweet foods when my sleep is disrupted or too-little, which tends to mean calorie-dense, nutrition-sparse foods, which is kind of the opposite of what I'm going for... so I really need to focus on a better sleeping pattern this week, I think. The amount of exercise I got was good (it usually is) but the junk food I had on Friday night and the icecream I had on Wednesday afternoon probably cancelled it out... if I'd slept well, I think I probably would have had less of the junky stuff on those two occasions.
There's a few things I'd like to achieve with my health log... increasing my awareness of the shape of the day and the impacts of various things (like sleep) on my behaviour and symptoms is important. In more concrete terms, I'd really like to drop a dress size this year. Size doesn't have nearly as much to do with actual biological health as many people think, and I do support body positivity at every size. Shame has never, ever made me lose weight - in fact, shame often has had the opposite effect, making me stay at home, and not look after myself. All that aside, losing a dress size this year would be nice. I have a very short neck, so even if I'm underweight by BMI I kinda have my chin connect to my neck with a diagonal line rather than a very well-defined jaw that tends to be seen as more attractive. But at least if I'm on the lower end of the scale, the shape of my face is more prominent despite the short neck. So, yeah. Honestly, my reasons are more for vanity than health, because I think my physical health is actually pretty good. Always good blood pressure, etc etc. The only things I'm low on are vitamin D and iron. I mostly just want to drop the dress size so that my jawline is more prominent, and I'll be able to wear more brands of clothing.
Well, also if there's less fat over my muscles, all of my weightlifting tone will be more prominent, which would be nice. My quads are amazing, but unless I tense my leg up, they're not so obvious. The muscle I've built on my back also isn't so obvious right now, but if I drop a dress size, I could show it off a little more. Ultimately, I'd like to get down to a 72cm (28.3 inch) waist and stay there. That's more just a single dress size away, though. For now, just a dress size will do. I have a 'true' hourglass figure, so my bust and hips are both ten inches wider than my waist at any size, and that means I'm bustier than most clothing brands allow for at my waist size. So, a smaller waist = smaller boobs too, so I can then buy clothing that fits my bust (and I can just wear a belt or take stuff in so that it sits nicely on my waist). A 97cm / 38.3 inch bust is still not going to fit into some clothing lines (particularly ones from Japan/China/Korea) but it'll at least fit into all Commonwealth/US label clothing. At the moment my bust keeps me out of a lot of stuff even though the waist will fit...
Anyway. Those are my reasons for wanting to drop a dress size. So the health diary will hopefully help with that, along with helping me track cause/effect of some digestion issues and whatnot. Ideally I should be able to lose a dress size by the end of the year.
☑ weekly planner accountability check-in! Really happy w the health diary, I at least managed five days logging before I started forgetting, which is 4 days more than previously. So I'll keep posting it for now in the hopes I improve even more. pic.twitter.com/gnOIwda6OA— sassa: 100% (@AWildSassaApprs) July 22, 2019
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