Thursday, 12 December 2019

One month to go

When I decide to attempt to change my own behaviour in some way, even thinking in terms of a month seems like a long time to commit to something. A complete drag.

I don't really like starting new things. Starting things is probably my least favourite activity. Continuing to do old ones? Great. Perfect. Easy. I love it.

To think that I've consistently managed to do this for 11 months... that I only have one more month to go until I've been doing this a year...

It's sort of hard to imagine. All of 2019 feels both infinitely long and ridiculously short, all at once.

But over the years I've tried again and again to keep a planner habit, to keep a habit of structured, focused to-do lists, and they always get sabotaged by executive dysfunction, stress, anxiety, and life events that just get in the way of forming new routines.

It's absolutely the feel of owing other people, of making this process public, that has made me get this far.

My personal trainer will be leaving my city in February next year, and I've been considering cheaper options for weight training, like joining a group class instead of one-on-one.

But the more I think about it, the more that seems doomed to failure. In a group class, I can easily escape accountability. The number of times I know I wouldn't have shown up to the gym if my trainer wasn't there waiting for me... well, it'd probably be 80% of the time, honestly. So instead of about 94 weight training sessions this year, I probably would have only done 19. That's 77 less sessions. Ignoring the benefits I gain for mood and muscle, in terms of my average calorie burn, that's 25,410 calories burned this year that I would not have achieved without the pressure of being accountable to another person.

Plus, I injure myself easily, and planning different routines and knowing when to change them up and how to challenge myself is stuff I'm a) not interested in personally and b) not good at. But I need to do it. I've lived my life doing less intense stuff, and I know what it's like. If I want to maintain my strength and tone, I need one on one help. I need that appointment, and that accountability.

Just a shame it costs more! I'm so lucky to have had the same trainer now for the last 4.5 years - I have come so far thanks to him. I just hope my next trainer will be as good (because I've come across plenty of bad ones).

Because of my anxious personality, and guilt complex, and fear of authority figures... using external accountability is the most powerful tool I have to push through my executive dysfunction issues. I'm great at planning, scheduling and researching, making lists... so if I had external accountability to those skills, I can achieve so much that honestly I think would be impossible otherwise.

It's important for me that this accountability is to people who are not my friends - because a) I don't like the feeling of making my friends responsible for me doing things, b) I think it would have a negative impact on the friendship in both directions. For accountability, professional relationships are best.

One other thing I experienced over the week below was panic attacks and a desire to quit all my new projects, and I think those were basically all due to the fact that I'm now hitting the parts that just don't feel good. I take my discomfort as a sign that I should stop. When the truth is, discomfort is a necessary part of growth. It's just knowing when to recognise whether the discomfort is acceptable, or if it's a red flag warning you to stop for your own health and safety.

I'm not very good at making that distinction on my own. So I think when I experience that discomfort, I again need to rely on other people - need to talk out loud to other people - and basically check in. Get a taste of perspective. In this case, it could be with professionals, or with friends.

Most importantly, it has to be the right people who know the right way to listen. Having someone tell me to "toughen up" would just make me peevish and obstinate. Having someone say "does this seem like a necessary and acceptable struggle towards what you want?" That would make me think in a way I can't when I'm in my own head. Answering someone else posing that question, I think, would help show me whether the discomfort is a red flag or totally fine.

Have to stay focused on why I'm doing the things I'm doing - and what I love about them. And have to involve other people where I can, too. I support my friends back, of course - honestly I think I've deeply under-used my own support network all my life, though it's only recently it's become so strong.

It's time for all of us bucket crabs to help each other out.

Monday, 2 December 2019

A rough month

November was a really mixed month: here's the last three weeks of it.

Had my first panic attack in ages, and been struggling with a lot of self-doubt and ADD nipping at my brain at every turn. Hard to focus and hard to keep myself moving forward. This may sound like I'm disheartened, but I'm not - I know I can work through this. But I also want to acknowledge the fact that I'm struggling - ignoring it and pretending that everything is going great would only do me a disservice.

It's honestly a huge thing for me to be able to see that I'm struggling and talk about it honestly, rather than just trying to buck myself up and keep going. I mean, obviously I want to keep going, but so often the process of cheering myself up involves basically finding ways to numb my fears or pretend they don't exist, looking sidelong at them while continuing to plaster on a smile. Whereas being able to come here today and just acknowledge I'm struggling, and be okay with the feeling... that's a difficult thing for me to do. But, like. It's progress. So, woo. Progress.

But I am telling myself (and hoping it is true) that if I just keep pushing ahead (while not looking away from my problems) and keep chipping away at my goals, eventually I'll get out of the rut I started to fall into towards mid-November.

I know it's a fear-based rut, along with a few additional things. I'm not quite sure how to pull myself out of it, but until I hit on the thing that shakes the cobwebs out of my brain, I'll keep doing little things to chip away at it.

Hhh... actually I should mention I've been gaming basically every evening for the last two weeks, from about 10pm (when my partner goes to sleep so I have the house/TV to myself) to, on average, 2am. Light night, 3:30am. Even though I'm sleeping in, I'm being woken up in the morning by K getting ready for work and just... not keeping the same schedule as everyone else. Even though in my soul I'm a night owl, we live, as they say, in a Society, and keeping these hours is probably throwing me out of whack.

But why did I start? Probably because it's a comfort food... it's an RPG (The Outer Worlds) and slowly seeing my stats increase, helping NPCs and checking off sidequests is a very calming, restorative experience for me. Basically, I feel lacking in self care and nurture and all those relax-y type things, and I'm filling those needs with 4-6 hour late night gaming sessions.

But... as well as my fears of failure pushing back against me, and my ADD... probably the excess gaming/disrupted sleep cycle isn't helping. So... I really don't want to, but I think I have to commit to not doing those long nights at least for a few weeks. Maybe slowly dial it back, seetting a reminder at midnight to stop? I think so long as I go to bed by 11pm it's not too bad, and certainly would probably be better for me than 2-4am.

Sigh... I don't want to though... the comfort has been nice. It's been a rough month for having to support other people emotionally and care for an unwell cat... so I really need that self-care and nurturing. I just need to make more time for it during respectable hours...

Monday, 11 November 2019

Sunlight = growth?

My favourite season has always been winter, even if here we don't really get the traditional four European seasons. I like watching the rain run down the windows, I like holding a warm mug in my hands and snuggling under a blanket on the couch. I also really love getting rained on (it's never THAT cold here, I imagine it would be miserable in other places).

But despite my affection for all those seasons, it's spring and summer that always seem to carry me upwards. Certainly by mid-September my mood tends to dip, and my energy levels fade... then as the weather turns warmer and sunnier by early November, I seem to rally accordingly, even though I'm not really a fan of summer heat.

Maybe I'm a pod person and I just need photosynthesis to survive, haha.

I'm already working on my goals for 2020, and I've made a lot of progress health-wise over the last few weeks. I feel like the whole world is opening up to me, that I have the ability to learn whatever skill I need to, and face any challenges that come up.

But maybe it's not just the sunlight buoying me. Maybe it's also the slow, cumulative effect of increased mindfulness thanks to this planner project, and a year of healing from my demanding previous job. In fact it seems like a bad idea to just thank the sunlight, because that gives away the credit when really I've been working so, so hard to try and reach a point like this.

Really, there's no single action, or habit, or phenomena that is lifting me up right now. It's many, many small decisions, actions, and influences. Which really, is such a fantastic thing. It's so much easier to chip away gently and slowly at the rock surrounding your life, than make one single, big kick and break free. It means that being able to change yourself and grow is available to anyone willing to do something small that magnifies over time. Rather than the far more difficult challenge of achieving one single, enormous feat.

All that said, I'm grateful to the sunlight.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Between spring and summer

Despite the imagery in my planner, it's springtime here.
My cat is snuggling on my lap so I'll keep this short. She needs all the pats.

My freelancing business did well last month, even though I continue to always feel three steps behind in my head when it comes to achieving everything I want to achieve in a single month.

I've managed to spend time outside and with friends way more in the last week than I have in a while. The weather helps, but I think I'm also being more intentional with my choices, too.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Promare was awesome anyway hello

I'm feeling a little worried that despite doing a ton lately, I'm losing focus on some of my over-arching goals. It's tough because everything I've been doing lately has been great for my mental health, but I'm concerned that I'm spending too much time on that and not enough on being productive. Finding balance is really hard. But I know working on my mental health will ultimately feed into my achieving my goals, so... I don't know. Maybe it's fine? I had my first session with a therapist last week so maybe I can discuss with them this week about whether I'm being too hard on myself. I never know if I'm pushing myself too hard or not enough. I only notice when I burn out, and I'm not sure how I'd notice the other direction. Feeling too chilled out? I have no idea tbh.

And yes I saw Promare on the weekend, it was great. If you have ecological anxiety triggers, burned alive triggers, or end-of-the-world/apocalypse triggers, then you may wish to skip it, but if you do not, it's a wonderful, extremely Trigger film with a great soundtrack, gorgeous visuals and a great story. Also, mecha. And triangles. What more can you ask for.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Bulk check-ins are like bulk gains right

Not a ton to say - this week I got a referral from my partner's psych to a psychologist she thinks might help me with some of my anxiety issues, so I'll be meeting with her next week. Will be interesting to see how it goes, given it's not exactly a "I need help dealing with this one life thing" type of referral and more a "my brain does Things sometimes that make it hard to be in the world but I'm not like suicidal or anything so uh how do we make me better at being in the world I guess". Which, it turns out, is quite an expensive question to ask, though at least through my excellent national healthcare program I get 50% rebates on ten sessions a year, so technically I could do one session a month and only pay the full, scary cost twice a year. Though I feel like at least initially I'll probably be asked to go more frequently than that as the psych gets to know me.

I hope it helps. Getting clinically assessed for ADD and potentially medicated for it might help - two of my friends with ADD swear by it, but my sister had a terrible reaction to her ADD meds when she was a kid so my mum is very much on the side of "yeah I'm confident you have it but also you shouldn't get medicated for it". But I can't help but wonder how much more I could do every day if my brain didn't bluescreen regularly when I'm trying to complete a thought.

I've spent a lot of time looking after other people this month, which is fine, I'm doing well enough that I can offer some care to others without drowning myself, though some of the things going on with my family right now have been very emotionally taxing. Part of it is the fact that my grandfather is beginning to succumb to dementia and can no longer live on his own - though it's really impressive he made it to the age he has with most of his brain and body intact. It's only been the last couple years that he really began to deteriorate. But there's a lot of things to do now that he's only partially with us, and getting those done has been bittersweet at best. Though it must be much, much harder on my mum.

Guess I had more to say than I initially thought. I kind of swing between not wanting to disclose too much here, because, you know, what if someone finds this, links it to me, and decides they don't want to hire me as a consultant because they're worried about my anxiety issues impairing my work, or whatever. But on the other hand, this feels like the affordable kind of therapy, that I don't need a rebate to be able to do as much as I need. And it only feels real when it's public, which perhaps says more about the way I've adapted to a social media way of assembling and regurgitating my life, or maybe it's just some deeper Brain Thing. It may still be a bad idea, though. I don't know. But I do feel that I've been coping better with everything in part due to holding myself accountable to using the planner, and posting these entries. I've probably said this all before, but, that's the great thing about making something with zero intended audience. I don't have to entertain anyone but myself, and anyone reading this far only has themselves to blame if they're bored to tears by this paragraph, haha.

I haven't been very Online lately, my Twitter has been mostly a desert... which is good and bad. I've had so much to do (none of which I resent, and much of which I actively think is worthwhile) so I don't feel like I'm missing out much. Though, on the other hand, almost all my closest friends live in other countries, so I am missing out on contact with my friends, especially my bestie in NZ, my fave kohai in Canada, and the handful of bright, shining parks of pals in the USA... all of whom have timezones incompatible with mine most of the time, hahahah...h... I guess the problem is I don't have a lot to talk about with people online at the moment, a lot of my work is associated with NDAs and I am not in my biggest fandom any more (I'll still post more content for it eventually, because I have unfinished works, but I'm not really actively interested in seeking out anything in it for myself any more). I do wanna be involved in the Homestuck fandom more, just need to spend the time catching up on the games...

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Post-holiday round-up

I've been flat out for the last three weeks, wrapping up work before my holiday, then prepping for my holiday, then going on my holiday. But! I did continue to use my planner. I have a lot of catching up to do now that I'm back home, so I'll leave the update here for now!

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

My [69420 F] accountability blog [.75 NB] is even more powerful than I imagined

I knew holding myself publicly accountable would really help me stick with this planner-using thing, but I'm still kind of stunned that we're now 2/3 of the way through the year.

I honestly feel I wouldn't have achieved nearly so much if I hadn't been using this planner - and I wouldn't have bounced back and continued using the planner when I had sick/mental health days if I didn't have the innocuous but still-present knowledge that I would have to post my planner photo at the end of the week.

Of course it's only working because I still hold myself to that habit of posting the photo. But I've built a system around my strengths and weaknesses. Tweeting? Oh yeah, I can do that. No one on Twitter is holding me to this schedule, but it's enough.

I'm sure I'm repeating myself constantly in this blog, but that's the great thing about it. It's not made to entertain other people. It's all about reinforcing my good habits and good ideas. And exploring those through every possible permutation I can is really good for solidifying those habits and ideas. Along with clarifying to myself how I feel about them, what works, and what doesn't.

Finally recovering from the flu, although I've torn an intercostal muscle from all my coughing - for most of the week below the muscle just continually hurt, now it only hurts if I engage the muscle by coughing, sneezing, hiccuping, laughing or uh... moving. Hey. It's improvement, and I'm happy with that.

Wore mascara to a client meeting yesterday and within an hour it had started to melt. I don't wear makeup often but this was a pricey one... is there such a thing as a mascara that can survive our spring weather? If it can't handle 25C I shudder to think how it would be when it hits 40C. Anyway, glad it was bright enough I could leave my sunglasses on rather than displaying panda eyes... next time I might just skip the mascara entirely. It's just, I want to appear as professional as possible, but... panda eyes definitely isn't going to do that, so I might be better off wearing foundation and nothing else. Though foundation starts to melt fast too. Sob.

Anyway. I'm back to doing my freelance work now that I'm well enough to handle it. And spring might be bringing makeup-melting powers but it's also bringing welcome sunlight and killing off any remaining things that might want to attack my immune system... so I welcome it with open arms.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Am I still sick? You bet!

Another x2 update because: yup, spent the last two weeks sick as well.

I did start to get better from the flu at the end of the second week, but then after a few productive days it was like I got hit with a brand-new strain that I had zero resistance to, and I just went tumbling down again but _worse_. Like, the first two weeks I could have maybe called a head cold - sore throat for a day or two, stuffy head plus headaches, trouble thinking and mild fever for the rest.

Whereas The Flu Round Two was very definitely a nasty flu - have had a sore and swollen throat for the entire duration, a mix of chesty and tickly continual coughing, blocked ears, even _more_ trouble thinking, unable to sleep because of nose blocking up and throat welling up = breathing sucks (plus the coughing waking you up).

Really frustrating part is I (pulled? tore?) a muscle in my chest from coughing so much on Friday, and now every time I cough I get a nice sharp pain in my side along with the normal coughing pain. I'm thinking maybe the muscle really is torn given three days later its still happening...

So, yeah. Hasn't been a great fortnight for productivity. Though I'm proud that I still managed to achieve some things over August despite spending the whole month fighting off various viral things. July had been a fantastic month for getting stuff done, so that softened the blow for August a little at least.

While I'm starting September while still fighting off the flu (though I seem to be on the mend again finally, coughing less every day) I'm pretty hopeful about making progress on my games, freelancing and other projects. I've set my targets for the month lower that I normally would to reflect that I'm starting weakly (and I'm not going to be available to work towards the end of the month for various reasons I'll go into once that time comes, so that cuts into my doing-stuff time too).

I think it's better to set myself less challenging goals for this month, so that I can achieve things and not feel too overwhelmed while I get my momentum built up again. Hopefully by October I can ask as much of myself as I did in July - and achieve it, again.

Friday, 23 August 2019

I have been sick for the entire month of August: the musical

Welp, here's a 2x check-in given I was too flat out last week to do a post:

I thought I was finally recovering from the flu this week but then on Wednesday it came back with new exciting awful symptoms that have stopped me from sleeping.

However in good news being sick for three weeks straight means I've finally read all of Homestuck from start to finish. Been meaning to check it out for about seven years so there you go. I finally did it.

Dave, Davesprite, Davepetasprite, Karkat, Nepeta and Kanaya are my fave characters. My top ships would be Davesprite/Nepeta (in an AU where she doesn't die and Davesprite winds up on the meteor too I guess) along with Davekat, RoseMary and Davepetasprite x basically any non-evil character... yes you're hanging off my every word I can tell. Oh, I also really feel for Hal, Dirk had all the power in their relationship and it's no wonder he acted out a little because of it.

I'm really enjoying a fanwork called TLCstuck, that essentially is a re-write of the Homestuck ending that gives the sprite characters more closure IMHO... I felt really bad for Davesprite in particular, along with Hal, and this version of the ending gives them opportunities to reconcile with their counterparts way more:
Anyway no one who knows me should be at all surprised that my top two characters are the goofballs that are deeply depressed on the inside. That's my weakness.

Gonna tag this with book recommendations in the sense that I do recommend reading the comic. It's a fun ride with some excellent characters.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Hello, and thanks for all the pathogens

Gotta love when people with the flu show up to a social event, and a couple days later you've mysteriously contracted the same illness. Especially great when that illness hangs on for 5+ days (I started to feel myself succumbing on Tuesday, full-blown by Wednesday, and it's still hanging on today (Monday)). Good times.

As such I didn't achieve a huge amount this week, was barely capable of holding up my DS let alone stringing together coherent ideas. That said, I made great progress in my Pokemon X replay. And even got a couple Yakuza 0 hours in when the painkillers were working (the TV is so often being used I don't often get chances to play my PS4).(Almost like I need... a Switch... [gazes soulfully out the window towards a hovering mirage of the new Fire Emblem game]).

Managed to put together my monthly projects plan for August all the same, so today I'm dragging myself through some tasks despite still being pretty flu-laden, and hopefully once I've shaken the flu off I'll have another productive month. July was actually my best month yet for completing important tasks, even though I spent the last week of it sick, so I'm hoping to continue the upwards spiral.

Only going to include the first tweet below, the second has my health diary in it but it was mostly yoghurt and crackers due to me being sick most of the week. Although I am proud of the fact that I did 2.5 hours of brisk walking over the weekend just to get some exercise even with flu-brain/body.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Brain rebooting

I struggle to focus my brain a lot of the time - it's very easy for me to get lost in tangents. One thing I've really noticed helping me is making sure to 're-set' myself to start my day.

I know dreams are meant to be the brain's way of processing data taken in from throughout the day, so maybe one reason why I have more focus issues is my insomnia cutting down my dreaming time? Sounds kinda believable, but... pretend I placed a shrug emoji here.

Re-setting my brain isn't a guarantee of success, but it does up my chances. I don't think the things I outline below will necessarily work for everyone; we each probably have our own highly specific re-set switches we need to hit. Nothing in mine is particularly outrageous, but, sometimes I've read about other people's morning routines and thought 'that sounds ridiculous' or 'i tried that and it had the opposite effect on me' so - take all this with a grain of salt. Maybe even ten grains.

What I find works for me is as follows. Generally in this order, but it can change day to day depending on other factors:

A warm drink in winter, and either a warm or cold one in summer

For me, this is usually coffee. I honestly can go weeks without caffeine and I'm fine, I don't seem to really have a dependence on it. But something in my hands while I deal with being awake is good. I'll probably play a mobile game and fuss over my cat while I drink.


I think this one would apply to most people. I feel more alert after a shower, and just less lethargic in general. I bet cleaning my teeth in the morning would help with that too, but then it'd make my coffee taste awful, so...............

Dress nicely and Do Face Stuff

I think everyone knows at this point the psychological effect of changing clothes/wearing 'work' outfits. It's like a mini shower. And the Face Stuff is just doing basic grooming things... apply tea tree gel to any pimples, apply toner, serum and moisturiser... just basic skincare routine stuff. Like another mini shower for my brain.

Don't check social media until you've planned your day

I used to check my Twitter TLs and discord when I got up in the morning, kind of like the millennial version of reading the morning newspaper, but I stopped doing that several months ago and it's helped a lot. Checking my social feeds just introduces too many variables and ideas into my brain before I've had a chance to mould my expectations for the day.

Update my 3-year diary

I have a Midori 3 year journal. It has space to write 2-5 sentences about your day per page, and you share the page with the entries for the same day on the other two years. I started keeping it early this year and I'm interested to see how it goes. Writing a couple lines about the day before definitely helps my brain. Somehow.

Read my weekly plan

This is different to the day planner I post photos of here. I have charts on my wall for tracking my goals for the year, my goals for the month, and my goals for the week. It's kind of an excuse to have lots of cute stickers, but look, it works. 

At the start of this year I filled out a Kikki K 10 year planner (similar to this). I also then broke my goals for the first year into 12 month blocks, which became my yearly sticker chart. Then at the start of each month, I check the yearly sticker chart, and make a monthly one. I make a weekly checklist at the same time. It's the weekly checklist I review at the start of my day. I grab a couple tasks out of it and put them into my work planner (not posted here) and my daily planner (the one I post here). There's a lot of overlap between those two, but the work planner tracks my Big Project Tasks and my daily planner is more a 'don't forget you have an appointment, need to do laundry, and need to do a task for Big Project 3'.

This is a system I've evolved over the last two years, and it works for me, but it may or may not work for you.

Re-set the house while listening to a podcast (must have at least two presenters)

This means: put away dry dishes. Sort out dirty ones. Put on a load of washing. Take anything still on the floor and put it away. Make sure working areas are free of clutter. Open the curtains. Basically, make a working space that feels neutral (as a freelancer, I work at home).

Podcasts (the need for two presenters is so that I'm listening to a conversation, not a presentation) give me some Social Energy that makes me feel comforted while I'm setting up my space for the day, without distracting me the way social media posts would.

Do one small task while listening to isochronic tones

This would be something like: send out invoices, reply to business emails, write weekly blog post etc. type of tasks. Very simple things that don't require high levels of skill. The isochronic tones seem to help smooth down the edges of my thoughts. Lately I've been using this video a lot as my bgm.

Once I've achieved that last thing, generally my brain is in a much more positive and focused state than it would otherwise be. So after this point, I can start tackling harder tasks!

One thing I struggle with is re-setting after I've had a break and checked social media (which I don't want to cut out entirely, given it's the easiest way to keep up with friends). Often after a break, especially one with Twitter/Discord, I find myself vague-ing out again. So I probably need to start doing a smaller version of my re-set routine after breaks, maybe just the isochronic tones thing again.

Also, it's worth noting I've only been able to develop this routine after becoming a freelancer. This all would have been impossible for me while working my previous 9-5 job. It's one reason I really want to succeed as a freelancer - I just find office jobs so constantly distracting and discombobulating. I can never work at full capacity the way I can at home.
As far as the health journal goes, it should be pretty obvious to anyone who read it that I'm a grazer, haha. I really struggle to eat what most recipe books etc classify as "one meal". It's much easier to eat very small amounts throughout the day... I much prefer the "five small meals" approach instead of "three medium sized meals". I also struggle to eat before lunchtime... honestly if I didn't worry about the impact it'd have on my health I'd probably just drink coffee until 2pm every day.

My exercise is going well, as of Saturday I've also introduced a new Saitama-inspired routine to my existing powerlifting/tai chi/walking exercises so hopefully that'll help round out my overall exercise routine.

Monday, 22 July 2019

But wait, there's more (pages)!

So this week I tracked my health - food, exercise and any notable physical symptoms like low blood sugar dizziness etc. Well, I tracked pretty consistently up until Friday night, then I got a little shaky.

But considering until this point the longest I've managed to track my health is a day, that's pretty good. Essentially, this accountability posting method made me five times more successful than I was any other month this year!

So, even though it's a pain to include extra pics in the weekly-check-ins (less space to show off the pretty planner in the thumbnails, o no) I think it's worth continuing to do this.

Like with my planner, I'm trying to be as open as possible, and only censoring stuff if it's particularly sensitive info, like a friend's address, or my dentist's name, etc. It DOES feel weird sharing this much with other people, but again, the knowledge that potentially someone could click on the entry and read it does make me feel more motivated to stick to my plans and update properly.

On the weekend/Friday I really think my biggest stumbling block was just lack of sleep. We've had a ton of late nights recently, and whenever I stay up really late (say past 1am) even if I sleep in for the appropriate number of hours, I think I don't function as effectively during the day, afterwards.

I also tend to crave sweet foods when my sleep is disrupted or too-little, which tends to mean calorie-dense, nutrition-sparse foods, which is kind of the opposite of what I'm going for... so I really need to focus on a better sleeping pattern this week, I think. The amount of exercise I got was good (it usually is) but the junk food I had on Friday night and the icecream I had on Wednesday afternoon probably cancelled it out... if I'd slept well, I think I probably would have had less of the junky stuff on those two occasions.

There's a few things I'd like to achieve with my health log... increasing my awareness of the shape of the day and the impacts of various things (like sleep) on my behaviour and symptoms is important. In more concrete terms, I'd really like to drop a dress size this year. Size doesn't have nearly as much to do with actual biological health as many people think, and I do support body positivity at every size. Shame has never, ever made me lose weight - in fact, shame often has had the opposite effect, making me stay at home, and not look after myself. All that aside, losing a dress size this year would be nice. I have a very short neck, so even if I'm underweight by BMI I kinda have my chin connect to my neck with a diagonal line rather than a very well-defined jaw that tends to be seen as more attractive. But at least if I'm on the lower end of the scale, the shape of my face is more prominent despite the short neck. So, yeah. Honestly, my reasons are more for vanity than health, because I think my physical health is actually pretty good. Always good blood pressure, etc etc. The only things I'm low on are vitamin D and iron. I mostly just want to drop the dress size so that my jawline is more prominent, and I'll be able to wear more brands of clothing.

Well, also if there's less fat over my muscles, all of my weightlifting tone will be more prominent, which would be nice. My quads are amazing, but unless I tense my leg up, they're not so obvious. The muscle I've built on my back also isn't so obvious right now, but if I drop a dress size, I could show it off a little more. Ultimately, I'd like to get down to a 72cm (28.3 inch) waist and stay there. That's more just a single dress size away, though. For now, just a dress size will do. I have a 'true' hourglass figure, so my bust and hips are both ten inches wider than my waist at any size, and that means I'm bustier than most clothing brands allow for at my waist size. So, a smaller waist = smaller boobs too, so I can then buy clothing that fits my bust (and I can just wear a belt or take stuff in so that it sits nicely on my waist). A 97cm / 38.3 inch bust is still not going to fit into some clothing lines (particularly ones from Japan/China/Korea) but it'll at least fit into all Commonwealth/US label clothing. At the moment my bust keeps me out of a lot of stuff even though the waist will fit...

Anyway. Those are my reasons for wanting to drop a dress size. So the health diary will hopefully help with that, along with helping me track cause/effect of some digestion issues and whatnot. Ideally I should be able to lose a dress size by the end of the year.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Now with extra Health(TM)

Well, I only got around to blogging about last week's planner yesterday, so there's not much to add today, other than I'm going to start including my health journal with my planner now, too.

I really don't want to, because it's extra stuff to do, but every time I start recording my food intake and exercise I forget about it and stop sometimes as soon as one meal later. H...hah...

So, I'm going to see if piggybacking it onto this existing habit and mild sense of accountability will help me keep the journal properly.

As far as the point of keeping a health journal goes, I have a variety of reasons, some are to do with some goals for 2019 and others are to help me monitor symptoms I get - I always used to think I had zero food intolerance or allergies but hahahahaha... nope. I just ignored a lot of the small symptoms certain foods gave me. But it seems like the older you get, the more pronounced some symptoms can become, and also, when you cut them out of your diet, your tolerance for them drops even more, so... keeping an eye on how I'm doing and what I recently ate is a good idea.

Plus, I'm really good about doing my weight lifting workouts, but I will take every excuse I can find not to do cardio. So tracking exercise will hopefully keep me aware of the balance of my workouts. I like being strong, but I definitely need a little cardio resilience in there too. My strengths will always be endurance, flexibility, and, well, strength, but yeah... I should work on my weaknesses at least a little...

Saturday, 13 July 2019

It's great when you finally find a method that works...

That thing I was worried about last entry turned out to be fine, and now I have a new piece of freelance work to do! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
A relief to finally have our dryer repair, even if... the repairs wound up costing the same price as the dryer...sob... (admittedly, it's the cheapest possible dryer you can own). We don't need it most of the time, but drying bedsheets in an apartment suuuuuuuuucks.

As of next week's entry, I'm going to start logging my food an exercise too and posting it here. Writing on paper is just still so much more powerful for me in terms of internalising things. While I can use digital systems to log stuff and manage tasks, if I want to be really cognisant of what's going on, for some reason, the physical act of leaving marks on paper just works way way better.

But of course even with that, if I don't have a mild sense of accountability, I won't keep it up, because pen and paper is more inconvenient. So, why not piggyback on the system I already use and post it here?

I want to track my food an exercise for all those obvious reasons - wanting to monitor my health, wanting keep stay healthy, wanting to be healthier, etc etc. Even though I think I do okay, there's huge room for improvement. Social/community stuff and health are my two weak points, as far as the elements that make up a human go. As always, there's only so much time, and while I want to lessen the impact of my weak points, I can't stop working my strong points either, in order to use those well, too.

So, increasing my awareness of what I'm eating and when I'm moving is all I want to do for now. I already exercise regularly, though my nutrition is pretty eccentric at times. Much like the planner, the initial challenge will just be to actually log things and review them... and as that gets easier and easier, then I can start on actually improving things.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

And here we are. Six months of posting.

Here's last week's planner usage:

I've always thought of myself as a positive person, but I think it's more that I'm constantly plagued by negative thoughts, which I then positive-talk myself out of. So I'm all 'Wow, I'm such a positive person, I always try to make the most of bad things!' when... a large number of the bad things are absolutely spawned by my own head to start with. I get the impression not everyone is constantly fighting a cavalcade of 'you are going to fail, you are tolerated by others at best, your skills are puny and your mental capacity is declining daily' thoughts continuously as they go about their day.

Or am I wrong? Are we all scared, all the time, and it's just some people say their lived experience is different? I just don't know.

I say this because on Sunday I finished reading Elanor Rigby by Douglas Coupland (adored it, and Coupland's writing really can't be described without throwing in the word 'craftmanship') and the protagonist was a very relatable woman whose way of thinking made me reflect on my own quite a lot. And my self-image as a "positive" person.

Positive thinking is a skill I have learned to manage the negative thinking, which is something so innate to me I don't even see it half the time.

I say it's innate, but was I born like that? I don't think so. But the negative thinking was embedded early and young for a variety of reasons, and while I can manage it, I do think it will be a part of me forever, at this point. I'm too old now to heal those places. They're too deep, now. A splinter that melded with my bones.

And that's okay. We don't need to cure everything ailing us to still be capable of doing what we want to do with our lives. It's okay sometimes just to simply get by on some counts.

Today someone has contacted me about potential work they'd like me to do, which is great timing as I've almost completed my current big piece of work. And my immediate reaction inside my head was "That's great - oh no, they're local, they're going to meet me to discuss the project and then immediately pull out when they see how uncharismatic I am in real life compared to the way I present online. It won't matter how good my portfolio is or how suitable I am in terms of skill. I'm doomed. As soon as they see me they'll want to run. My LinkedIn profile picture is the only time I've looked attractive in the last three years."

You might scoff at this, but as a woman, I've experienced my own looks working both against and for me in a variety of situations. My fear of being judged for my looks is something I learned, not something I was born with. And when a man is offering you a job, there's two fears: you don't want him to think you're attractive, because he might treat you worse for it. And you don't want him to think you're ugly, for the exact same reason.The perfect world is one in which he thinks you are perfectly, unremarkably average, neither offensive to the eye or desirable.

If you're a man reading this, or a woman who feels men have never treated her differently for how she looks: please just trust that this is my experience. If you aren't reading this pile of journal-ish self-analysis with the assumption that I'm recording what's is true for my lived experience as, well, me, then, you're kind of wasting your time. This is not intended as some kind of PA-attack on all men, I'm just saying that this is something I've learned to be as careful about as possible, in order to avoid bad consequences with _some_ men. And when meeting a man you don't know, it's something you have to consider extra carefully if you're like me.

Still. While the risk is worth minimising through actions (dress as well as possible to present yourself as capable, though be sure to look a little frumpy, but in a put-together way.) I know my thinking is also on the extreme catastrophic end of things - even if it's worth being careful, there's no need to assume this piece of good luck will actually end in disaster. And even if this person finds my face ugly, they might still be happy to hire me. And even if, conversely, they find me attractive, they might be the kind of guy who isn't a jerk about that.

There's no point to all this writing, as usual. Just venting what's on my mind. And I definitely recommend reading Elanor Rigby. Though if you don't like a tough of the surreal mixed into your literary fiction, you might not like Coupland's work. But if you're like me, that kind of thing is a bonus!

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

One more week until six months of posting!

Even though I've successfully been using my planner for nearly six months, I absolutely guarantee if I hadn't committed to posting evidence I'm using it online, I would have stopped this month. Even a habit of six months isn't long enough for me to fully integrate it.

Honestly, I feel like I need to do something continuously for like... five years to even have a hope in hell of continuing to do it without accountability stuff in place.

 So does this mean I plan on doing a check-in for another 4.5 years? I don't know. Maybe? This level of accountability seems to do wonders for me. I like just a little pressure on me to do well - too much and I just wanna give up, too little and I get complacent.

I know I'm doing better than I would otherwise be, if I wasn't keeping a planner, and to keep a planner I need to feel accountable, and for now, this is the best method of accountability I've found - it works, it doesn't require me to rely on another person to hold me accountable (just the idea of another person) and it's time-efficient.

That said, while I've been doing better, I'm still frustrated with how easily I drift off into my own world, even now when I have the opportunity to do the work I'm most passionate about. Is it the ADD? My potential aspie-ness? (I'm undiagnosed, but I have my suspicions based on the things I recognise in myself hearing other people talk about well-passing women on the spectrum). It's just so easy for a single stray thought to absolutely dominate my attention out of nowhere, at almost any moment. My brain is constantly ready to leap into a new tangent, a new little question-and-answer with myself.

It's one of the factors that makes sleeping difficult for me - the brain never really stops or slows down. Sopophorics like hops extract, passionflower, and supplements like magnesium, sifrol and melatonin help (I can't have valerian, I'm one of those people where it actually makes you more awake) but they don't offer any kind of certainty over me being able to fall asleep within an hour of my head hitting the pillow. They just increase my chances.

It's not just drifting away that slows me down, or tiredness, there's plenty of other things - events, commitments, illness, family etc. that get in the way of me completing the tasks I set out for myself. But I could still do more if I could focus more easily.

I haven't been on social media much of late, and that's definitely helped - the less random ideas and stimulus, the less likely I am to totally get captured on a stray thought. I miss talking with my friends, though.

Everything is a balancing act. As always.

Friday, 21 June 2019

2 in 1, again

Didn't blog last week so it's another 2-in-1 post!

CW: impending talk about bodily functions and ailments related to them.

Had my first diverticulitis attack in about a year and a half just after my birthday, so was a little run down for a lot of the week. I think my immunity dropped after a stomach bug the week before and Too Many Chillies the week before that. I see all these tweets about "hurr X always brings up their digestion when people talk about spicy food" with the implication that the person isn't as culturally broad-minded as others because they can't handle a vindaloo, but look, buddy... chillies can literally send me to the hospital if I have more than a tiny bit in one sitting, it's not some kind of not willing to eat certain cuisines thing, it's a 'my bowels are filled with small holes and chillies can turn those into small _hell_ holes of bacterial infections'.

Until I developed diverticular pouches in my gut, I loved eating jalapenos and spicy dishes T_T Now I can still enjoy eating them, but not so much the pain from resulting infections that sometimes actually stop me from being able to walk they're so severe.

Hey man, let me have a little salt here in this small oasis of Dealing With Our Shit.

And, that said: even if someone just didn't like spicy food because of their taste preferences, that's fine too. Ditching on someone for that makes as much sense as calling someone out for not liking strawberry icecream.

And I love strawberry icecream. Even if... these days I can only eat the dairy-free kind. Sob.

I finally launched my portfolio website, but I won't link it here yet... I kinda want to just let it air out on the internet unsung for a while, and just link potential employers to it. I'm happy with it, though as always there's always room for improvement.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Bam. its june time babey

I'm nauseous and tired and still recovering from the flu but hey I STILL GOT SOME STUFF DONE AT LEAST.

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Detective Pikachu was fantastic

Hi it's me, getting this post in 11 hours before I'm officially a week late.

Because this is so late I don't really have a ton to comment on for that last week, other than Detective Pikachu being an amazing movie that made me giggle a ton and that I hit an awesome stash of high quality fabric designer clothing in an op shop (thrift store for the americans) so for the frankly crazy price of like $3 I have a brand new designer dress in soft, comfy fabric and THAT'S AWESOME.

Also finished writing the second route for a game I'm working on as an assistant writer so that was also cool. And handed in my resignation to a different job. A lot happened, really. Anyway. Let's see if I manage to post my next check-in slightly earlier than I managed this one, hahah.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

It's really happening

By the end of this evening, I should have cut off a lifeline that has kept me, honestly, a little complacent. It isn't that I haven't been pursuing my goals daily, but, I've allowed myself to stay in a pretty perfectionist mindset, prioritising being at least 95% happy with a task before I complete it, rather than focusing on 'good enough' and moving to the next one.

Without this lifeline, there will be more pressure on me to get things done, faster. I think it won't be too much? Balancing the exact amount of eustress I need (over plain old stress) is tricky. See, now I'm just getting perfectionistic about finding the exact amount of pressure I need to work efficiently without my mental health deteriorating, haha...

Pretty happy with how I did last week. It's hard to just say 'I'm happy with it' because I always, always see where I could have done more, and done better. But I gotta remind myself that I was in a very different place a year ago than I am today, and I have come very far from that point. And life will never reach an end point where I am 100% efficient with my time 24/7.

You can only aim to live your life in such a way that the act of living leaves you satisfied with your efforts. There is no end point where you go "ah, I'm now in a state of perfection, and can now do everything I wish with zero emotional/mental/financial/whatever friction". To believe you're perfect is to kill off your ability to grow; because it's guaranteed you are not perfect. Such an absolute doesn't truly exist when it comes to human beings, no matter how we might try and pursue it.

So yeah. I really gotta stop aiming for 'perfect' when that's a false idea to begin with. Honestly, I think the solution is to continue to read more philosophy books. I just read one by Carlo Strenger that has helped me with these thoughts a little (The Fear of Insignificance).

So this one messy human will continue to look for ways to make bigger and more beautiful messes, and try not to sweat the details quite so much............................................................ we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Actual work desk soon?!

So I've just been working on our dining table for the last couple years, or on the coffee table, neither of which is exactly optimised for a computer setup. But!!! Last night I ordered a desk for myself and my partner, after comparing... so... so many online. I'll have a real workspace!

I'm really nervous about it because I went through eBay... at first I was going to use DShop, but they just have so many bad reviews... like, 50% of customers report damaged, clearly secondhand furniture being delivered without the screws needed to put it together, totally different type of desk delivered etc... and that getting a reply out of their customer service team is near-impossible. So even though half the people shopping there seem okay, it just doesn't seem like it's worth the risk.

The eBay seller probably is sourcing their desks from the same warehouse as DShop, I suspect, but I feel a little more confident having eBay's buyer protection stuff and PayPal's refund stuff. I compared all the sellers on eBay with the type of desk I wanted, and then carefully read all their user feedback - the one I picked hadn't really sold many pieces of furniture, and they didn't have 100% positive reviews, but I liked that they at least responded to the couple negative feedback messages they received... like, buying something and then having the seller refuse to respond at all is the worst. Though even if there was a problem and that happened, again, eBay protection...

So, I really hope the desks work out, I don't wanna have to go through finding one again... but at the very least, I'm unlikely to have just thrown my money into a void... though I hope they aren't damage and require me to send them back because yikes, the idea of repackaging a desk sounds like the worst.

Anyway, just needed to get that out somewhere. Here's my planner accountability check!

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Chihaya page!

The art for April has all been so gorgeous, ahhhhhh. Another 2x week post because last week was PACKED so other than tweeting my planner I didn't have time to post here as well. Well. I didn't make time.

I do like the low level option of tweeting the planner to cover me for the week, but then coming back here when I have a moment to catch my breath and document anything else I wanna note for posterity/reflection.

I've finally been back on sifrol for my RLS over the last fortnight-ish (the previous GP I saw about renewing my prescription was new, didn't have access to my original prescription and was hesitant to write me a script when I saw her, so I wound up... going off my meds for about 10 months because seeing a second doctor to write the prescription = $$$). But I finally got around to seeing a new doctor last month, who was happy to prescribe it given my history with it (it has some side effects that the first one was worried about but... I'd already been taking it for a year without experiencing those... sigh).

ANYWAY. The good news is now that I'm back on the sifrol, my improved sleep has really been helping with my daily levels of motivation, focus and capacity to face tasks that are out of my comfort zone. I really need to make sure I never let another doctor put me off renewing my prescription like that, the difference I'm feeling after 2+ weeks back on sifrol is amazing. I'm really glad I'm one of the people who doesn't experience bad side effects from it, because normally I'm the unlucky person who does. (For example, valerian helps most people sleep but for 20% of the population, including me, it makes us MORE awake).

There's certainly many factors to consider when I look at my improved capacity to get things done recently, but I honestly feel my improved sleep from the sifrol has been a significant factor. So, yay for finally getting my prescription renewed!

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Focusing on the process and not the future outcomes.... isn't easy

Whoops forgot to blog for last week's although I did still tweet, so, uh, here's the last two weeks of planner entries:

As fas as how things are, I've been freaking out over how fast time has gone, HOW IS IT NEARLY MAY. There's a few things I wanted to have achieved by now that I haven't, so I think I need to find some more ways to get the most out of my time... I very much feel like I've spent a lot of time still healing from my last job and the bad mental habits/frameworks I picked up there... but while healing is important if I don't achieve some of these more difficult tasks soon life might become tougher.

Finding a balance of what is reasonable to try achieving each day and also keeping my energy levels up is... a challenge. And my insomnia has been a real issue lately, though I FINALLY got a GP to renew the meds for my RLS so that should help a little.

Anyway. I know I need to focus on making the most of each day, and spend WAY LESS time worrying about the future, honestly if I switched all my worry hours to productive/rest hours I'd probably already be where I needed to be. It's just a hard mental thing to unlearn/mitigate/manage.

Still. I do think these daily/weekly/monthly/yearly plans I've been doing are helping. I'm much better off than if I was not doing this recording stuff. Every month, I've gotten better and better at working towards my goals. I just always set the bar higher each month/week/day than I can manage, so even though I improve, I always feel something is still lacking.

All I can do is keep reflecting and improving.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Nothing to say but what a day how's ya boy been?

I've got nothing to say but it's okay.


...maybe one thing.

It's awesome that as of this post, I've been doing this for 1/4 of a year! I've never used a planner this consistently before! And honestly, tweeting/blogging my pages has definitely been the reason I've kept going at times. Just having that vague sense of accountability is enough for me.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

March: Pre-autumn cleaning

I feel satisfied with my choices this week, I think, even though as always, I wanted to do even more than I actually... did.

Plus side, spent the whole weekend cleaning and gardening so my environment is lovely... it all helps!

Sunday, 17 March 2019

March: [Mii plaza theme plays on loop]

I feel like I'm starting to get a hold on how to structure my days as a freelancer. One big challenge has been attempting to work when I'm not home alone - it's really not easy at all to avoid disruptions when you live in a tiny apartment.

I've brought my wake-up time back to 7am, and I'm finding it helps a lot. Even though my favourite time to work is at night, it's not easy when your partner is going through a rough time and really needs your company in the evenings and the days when they're at home. Getting up earlier means I can walk them to the train in the morning, and then get to work right away - meaning it's much easier to stop working once they get home, without feeling stressed over wanting to get more done but no longer feeling I can work because my company is desired/needed. They work from home one day a week too, so I'm also front-loading a lot of my chores on that day so that if they need to talk it doesn't interrupt me during a particular attention-demanding point of my work.

I know 7am probably seems pretty late to a lot of you with office jobs, but yeah, my ideal work day is two separate sessions, with the second running about 9pm - 2am, so, 7am was a little rough previously. But now I'm trying to synch my sleep schedule with my partner's a little more, so that we can spend more time together.

So, if I was single and living alone I think I'd most likely be somewhat nocturnal, but overall it's probably for the best that I'm synching up with my partner this way, because the world is designed around people being awake during the day anyway, so while working at night was good for talking to friends in other time zones, it made some other things more difficult. And my best friend is 5 hours ahead of my timezone, so working late nights actually sucked for talking with them anyway.

TLDR I've started getting up earlier which goes against every fibre of my being but it's actually pretty good after all the end.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

March: Well that was week two I guess

Something of a tumultuous week, but I managed to do a lot despite all the Life Things going on.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

February - March: I still have so much to learn

I'm an INFJ (and consistently test as one) and while you can't put everything on your type, the description really works for me, and learning about typical INFJ strengths and weaknesses has been a real help.

One INFJ trait is that we tend to see the big picture, pull together a lot of information well to make assessments but... get lost when it comes to the details.

I'm lost.

I'm doing my best. I think another thing I need to change is that I need to stop saying things like "work on Discord bot" as a checkbox, because that's _so vague_. Like, when is that box checked? When I totally code, implement, document, and share it (definitely not something I can do in one day right now). Is it "once I've started at this code for two hours, check the box?" (Yes, I'm aware of S.M.A.R.T. goals)

But even saying "Work on Discord bot for two hours"... rubs me the wrong way. Because sometimes you make so much progress in two hours, and other times, barely any at all. It's the same with saying something like "configure [feature X]" when... that could take two hours, or twenty, and at this point I don't know! Which means setting those daily three tasks that will make me stay focused and feel confident because way more stressful than I anticipated. Especially when you wind up checking none of the boxes.

How do I just... make myself function at 100% all the time? That's reasonable, right? Haha...

I also still struggle to take breaks that actually mean anything. My "breaks" are usually twitter, which, isn't really restoring energy... but if I don't, when am I gonna socialise?

Maybe I should try setting objectives in the morning, and then at the end of the day, recording three things I achieved... so I can set an objective of "work on Discord bot" and if that's all I do that day, maybe I can find three things I got out of it? Like, "completed feature X" "learned about AWS setups" and "learned about tracking down permissions conflicts and ownership issues with plugins".

It feels like cheating, but the thing is, _I'm_ the one setting the rules. And the KPIs! Everything I'm doing - the planner, the accountability tweeting, this blog - is all an attempt to improve myself - improve how I work now that I'm working on my own, a totally new thing for me - improve how I manage my projects - improve how I manage my own mind.

And I can't improve if I don't experiment. And beating myself up over failures won't let me get stronger, either. But not being afraid of failure is so hard for me, even when the cost of that failure is nothing but my own self-esteem - and only forced on me, by me.

I'm so easily disheartened. It's all too easy to over-promise to myself, under-deliver, and then find myself unable to focus on my work because I'm so demoralised over my inability to do something there's no way I'd ask someone else to do in that short a period of time, let alone when they're working on other projects at the same time.

I just don't know how to be realistic. I get S.M.A.R.T., but that whole "Realistic" part of the phrase?

I have. No. Idea. How to be realistic. And it's making me feel so lost.

I don't really know exactly how to tackle this right now. All I can really do is keep attempting to learn more, and solve the issue in new ways, and hope that eventually, one of them will work for me.

Monday, 25 February 2019

February: Small things

I missed last week, but I did still use my planner, so here's a tweet with both:

I think what worked for me a couple weeks ago no longer works, because I've been hit with more Brain Stuff. So I'm shifting my strategy from three "most important tasks" to three "doable tasks".

I talk about it more in the Twitter thread, but basically at the moment I think it's better for me to build up my resilience by getting a bunch of ticks on a page before I actually start on my "important" ones.

So stuff like... changing the kitty litter... eating enough vegetables for the day... getting all the laundry done. And all my more demanding tasks happen after those.

I think I have to be flexible and change my methods for getting stuff done to match a whole bunch of things - current life events, current hormonal balance, current brain noise, etc...

I'd love it if there was just One Right Way to do things I could follow forever but... Life Don't Be Like That.

Still, I'm learning, and getting a little better at matching my approach to my current situation each day, I think.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

February 2019: Week 2

Trying to post this update from my phone, though the Blogger content editor interface is so basic I can't even insert multiple images, hm...

Not sure where this one will even appear, there's just an option to 'attach' one from the post.

Anyway, super busy which is why I'm posting quickly from my phone. But wanna continue my accountability here so here's how I went with my MITs this week!

EDIT: lol the app has been broken since 2016 and Google still hasn't fixed it: nice. Could create a post but not publish 👌 So I just used the web interface from my phone instead... I liked the idea of sticking with Google but maybe I should have just created a blog with WordPress...

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

February 2019: Week 1

It's that time again!
Something I've been a little hesitant to talk about publicly, but I do want to touch on at least a little today, is just how much my last job took my brain to pieces and then ran a magnet over the pieces. (Let's pretend my brain is some kinda magnetic storage device so that this metaphor actually works).

Anyway; I was scrambled.

It's frustrating looking back at some of the work I was embarking upon five years ago, and how all that work and passion drained out of me so quickly over the time between then and now.

My skills were a perfect fit for the job. If anything, I was over-qualified. (After years of downplaying my own skills and achievements, I'm trying to treat myself like I would someone else. That is: well. Which includes recognising my own skills (as well as my weaknesses)).

So yeah. I'm skilled. I spent years honing those skills. On paper, the job was a good match.

Sadly the work environment is something difficult to gauge on a job description - and even in an interview. But I was desperate to build up my savings after years of living paycheck to paycheck, and this job paid better than anything else I'd ever done - so I stuck with it.

Those five years can't be gotten back, no matter how much I'd like to. And besides, I got what I was striving for: enough savings that I can now attempt something new, and riskier.

What surprised me, on taking this new step for my career, is just how badly I really was scrambled from that last job. I figured hey, leave, it might take a month for you to let off steam and remember who you are, but after that you can work just as effectively as you always did, but in a totally new career setting.

Hah. Hahahah. A month.

I have been working ever since leaving my last job, but nowhere near the intensity I'd imagined I'd be at by now. It's now been four months, and I'm honestly only just beginning to find my feet.

I would have been angry at myself before. Setting unrealistic standards and then kicking myself when I inevitably don't meet them is kind of my thing.

Or, it was my thing.

I don't intend to do that to myself any more.

If I want to succeed as a freelancer, I have to be my own number one ally. And that's going to take a while to learn.

And this week's lesson is absolutely: transitioning from one career to another, even if you've been saving to do this for years, doesn't happen seamlessly just because the date changed and you're now called something else. Healing from five years of being constantly gaslit by your boss (amongst many other issues at that workplace) doesn't instantly happen once you haven't seen them for four weeks. If I was saying this to someone else, I'd believe it, but saying it to myself, all I hear is 'lazy!' 'worthless!' 'weak!'.

But like I said, I want to be an ally to myself from now on. I want to give myself the benefit of the doubt, and the opportunity to breathe and develop a new routine. Just like I would for someone who isn't me.

Anyway, all that said, I actually feel excited for the future for the first time in a long time. I wasn't excited when I left my last job. I was grateful it was over, but feeling anything other than the scream of the electrons all misaligned in my brain was tough.

Now, I'm actually excited. Well, first, I spent the week above feeling kinda terrified, wondering if I'm really cut out to do this, and if I have any hope of success at all.

But I let myself feel that fear, rather than fighting it, and then: I acted. Just little things. Started a few balls rolling towards what I want my life to be life, along with keeping up the level of work I was and have been doing so far. In another month, I think things will be even better.

I can't predict exactly how much more I'll have healed, how much more efficient I'll be, and how many new leads I'll have on future freelancing gigs in another four weeks.

But I believe if I keep moving forward, and keep facing these fears, and keep working on being a friend to myself: things will get better. Every month, they'll be better.

And how can I be unhappy with that? (I can, because part of me still wants to Achieve and Succeed Like Some Kind of Demi-God regardless of reality, but I'm getting better at looking at those feelings and then allowing myself a little slack to say: okay, but until Zeus himself admits to fathering one of my ancestors, maybe just aim to keep on spiralling upwards, lining up those electrons in my head carefully and slowly, one by one).

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

January 2019: Week 4

Here's my planner pages for this week:
I ended up spending a lot of time looking after someone else going through a rough time this week, but I don't regret that at all and I'd do it again for them in a heartbeat (and most likely will, given their rough time is still going). But, at the same time, I kept up the daily planner habit and I managed to go to bed before midnight three nights this week, instead of the single night I managed the previous few weeks haha.

Less fortunately I spent every night this week lying awake and not sleeping for the majority of the night which isn't that surprising given what my days were like but that's just how it be sometimes. And then at the end of the week I got to have my first sleepover in years with my closest friend, we marathoned the entirety of  My Love Story over two days, went out for  breakfast and bubble tea... all around wonderful and exactly the kind of healing I've needed for months now if I'm being honest. I've spent the last 3 years quietly isolating myself from my offline support network thanks to [career events that made my anxiety levels go through the roof] but now that I'm finally past that point in my life it's so good to know my friends are happy to pick up from where we left off. And I can properly appreciate how wonderful they are now that I'm not just clinging onto life white knuckled on the edge of a cliff, haha...

Not only did I manage to look after someone going through a bad time, see my best friend, and keep up with my planner, I even went to a board games night on Sunday! Of the new games I played, Sagrada stood out. Playing it is both satisfying and challenging, as well as just being a very beautiful game.

It's nice having a space like this where I can just brain dump my week in review and remind myself I actually did well, without the need to try and entertain people. It's just good to get it out somewhere, and doing it publicly makes me feel a nice bit of pressure to continue (but not so much pressure I throw up my hands in the air and decide to just go live in a bucket floating in the ocean off the coast of Borneo). Because if I was going to live in a bucket, Borneo would be a nice scenic place to do it.

Did you know Borneo has a leopard species called the "clouded leopard"? How good is that? Right? I knew you'd agree with me.

I keep thinking I really need to improve my handwriting just a little now that I'm posting my planner weekly but OH WELL.

Monday, 21 January 2019

January 2019: Week 3

Here's my check-in for this week!
So, I kinda lost a significant portion of the first four days of the week to family drama and the resulting depression. While I can get anxiety attacks out of nowhere, generally a depressive episode is linked to something external like this (I know it's not that way for everyone).

I kind of just had to ride this one out - my partner is also going through some rough times at the moment so we kinda huddled together under a blanket on the couch and tried not to succumb to the void. Eventually I was able to pull myself together, and spent all Friday doing as much as possible to make my environment comfortable and good for mental health - because over the four days of depression I didn't do a heck of a lot of cleaning etc so the dishes, laundry had all piled up.

But once I made it through that, and got the apartment looking good again, I was able to get back on track. The family drama isn't exactly over, but hopefully I can avoid getting eaten by it against for at least a little while. And I'll try to get ahead on all my writing targets so that if they do come back to drag me down again, at least it won't be such a hit to my goals.

Still, I think I did pretty well considering the week I had. And while I'm now behind my writing targets, I've made a lot of progress over the last few days so I think I'll be back where I wanted to be with my drafts within another 3-4 days or so.

I had to miss out on seeing my RL best friend last week because of the depression - but we rescheduled for this week, hopefully nothing will get in the way this time! I could definitely use some friendly RL human interaction.

Gonna continue to try to sleep before midnight, because while in a void I'd absolutely sleep days and work nights, it's too incompatible with being there for my partner and my friends with daytime work, and much as I love late nights, there's definitely something to be said for getting all your most important tasks done by lunchtime. So. I'll keep trying. The biggest problem I face is that it's easiest for me to write at night. There's no distractions from the outside world, it's quiet and dark: absolutely perfect for me to focus. Writing during the daytime comes with a host of issues by comparison. But, I'm gonna try to do that more anyway...

I'm definitely going to need to think about getting some more paid work/commissions lined up post-March, but I'm doing okay for now... so I probably won't do much towards finding more writing work until mid-February. That still gives me six weeks to find something!

Thursday, 17 January 2019

January 2019: Weeks 1 - 2:

I started reporting the state of my weekly planner to my Twitter followers this year as a way of holding myself accountable and just... realistically reporting against my life. I did want to collect these weekly reports somewhere, so I'm going to make a weekly post to accompany them from now on.

Given I only started this blog in Week Three, here's my first two Twitter check-ins.

Because these are both already so far in the past to my mind, I'm not going to add anything else here, but in my future weekly check-ins I'll probably add a little more detail into the post itself.

I couldn't take it any more

So I created this blog.

It should probably be a Wordpress blog, Blogger's way of generating HTML even when you're typing directly into the post editing window is kinda crazy, all <br>s and no <p>s. Why is that even a thing in 2019?

You don't care about that.

Maybe I should stop caring about it.

Platforms die. Standards die. People die.

Do you ever feel like maybe you died a long time ago?

I'm so scared of beginnings, but I'm also terrified of emptiness. This time the fear of emptiness won out over the fear of beginnings, so I've started a blog.

Mostly I just wanted to collect the attempts at accountability into clawing my life onto the high shelf  I wanted to leave it on before I died, and a blog seemed like an okay way to do that. If Twitter hadn't (mostly) killed Moments, I'd have done it with Moments, but hey, maybe it's for the best. I kinda missed having an honest-to-goodness blog. It's been a long time since I maintained somewhere like this, just for myself.

I don't really expect to have an audience for this. I just want somewhere to curate my attempts to not drown in my own life. Maybe some people will enjoy it, I know I'm not the only one who still feels like they can't swim.